Swifts story continued...

So J & R Swift moved to Parsons Lane in 1972 and a year later purchased the old business of Billson’s & Johnson’s (a subsidiary of JAF Hosiery). Swifts then started manufacturing ladies hosiery, of which still happens today with us being the last manufacturer in Hinckley.

The next few years saw a gradual decline in hosiery and Swifts purchased other local firms -Willbours, Bradbury’s and Elite Hosiery Company who were closing; this move made Swifts the largest supplier of 60 denier hosiery during that time, supplying many well-known brands and most areas of the National Health.

Whilst continuing for numerous years gradually trade was lost to finer deniers and imports but always looking for opportunities the uniform shop started by a couple of chance happenings. Firstly Chris mentioned he was to go over to Leicester to purchase his daughters uniform, there was nowhere local; following this Sally was attending a trade fair in Birmingham and pursued the idea in more detail.

Contact was made with various brand names Trutex, Banner and other uniform suppliers who welcomed the idea and the new shop was opened in the 2 small front offices offering school wear such as blazers, shirts, blouses, trousers, skirts, ties and PE kits.

There’s a lot more to follow……


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